So Far to Run
The Memoir of Liberian Refugee Louise Géesedeh BartonBy Louise Barton
10 Digit ISBN: 1-935098-92-6
13 Digit ISBN: 978-1-935098-92-8
LCCN: 2011939176
Price: $13.95
Trim: 5.5 x 8.5
Format (pb/hc): Paperback
Pages: 260
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The captivating, inspiring true journey of Liberian refugee Louise Géesedeh Barton is recreated with vivid, haunting detail in this spellbinding memoir. For more than ten years, Louise spent her life on the run, hunted down as a member of the indigenous Krahn tribe, and as a distant relative of President Samuel K. Doe, who was assassinated during the civil war.
This engrossing first-hand account is the only memoir written by a woman of the hunted Krahn tribe, and is an inspiring testimony of the strength of the human spirit coupled with miraculous provision in the midst of unbearable hardships.
Louise’s authentic voice exposes immense love and hope for humanity, devoted passion and drive for her own life pursuits, a strong will to survive, and an unyielding faith. Her fluid, moving, and poignant narrative draws the reader in close to her every inhale and exhale, revealing a complex range of emotions and experiences; and in doing so, she paints a deeply holistic picture of her beautiful yet tragic motherland, Africa.
Captivating, horrifying, and beautiful, Louise’s story serves as a towering and timeless inspiration.