10 Digit ISBN: 1-935098-32-2
13 Digit ISBN: 978-1-935098-32-4
LCCN: 2009922394
Price: $19.95
Trim: 6/9"
Format (pb/hc): Paperback
Pages: 120
For additional information about this book, visit the website
The Aquavore Diet
By William Dunn10 Digit ISBN: 1-935098-32-2
13 Digit ISBN: 978-1-935098-32-4
LCCN: 2009922394
Price: $19.95
Trim: 6/9"
Format (pb/hc): Paperback
Pages: 120
For additional information about this book, visit the website

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For Consumers For Retailers/Libraries/Wholesalers
Itasca Books
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The Aquavore® Diet is a revolutionary system designed for you, a busy person who wants to lose weight at the right pace, with no fad diet restrictions or forced foods. The Aquavore® Diet allows you to lose weight naturally, without self-denial, using the right foods to help you avoid cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The Plan is easy and enjoyable, allowing you to keep the weight off for good. You’ll learn about the glycemic index and new breakthroughs in nutrition that are absolutely necessary to maintain the best health you can achieve.
With today’s economy, and expensive diets abounding, is there a system that’s effective, yet easy on your budget? The Aquavore® Diet is the solution. It’s a simple but scientific plan that doesn’t require counting calories or points. You do the eating: the plan will do the rest.