The Fine Print of Self-Publishing
A Primer on Contracts, Printing Costs, Royalties, Distribution, E-Books, and MarketingBy Mark Levine
10 Digit ISBN:
13 Digit ISBN: 978-1-62652-535-1
LCCN: 2013955469
Price: $16.95
Trim: 5.5x8.5
Format (pb/hc): Paperback
Pages: 268
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The Fine Print of Self-Publishing, now in its fifth edition, has been lauded by industry professionals as the go-to book for authors considering self-publishing. The Fine Print has helped thousands of authors understand self-publishing companies’ services, contract terms, printing markups, and royalty calculations. This latest edition includes new chapters on e-book publishing and book marketing, as well as updated head-to-head comparisons of major self-publishing service providers, including free book-publishing companies to consider and self-publishing companies to avoid.