The Marriage First Aid Kit
By Dr. Bryce Kaye, PhD10 Digit ISBN: 0-9820938-8-8
13 Digit ISBN: 978-0-9820938-8-7
LCCN: 2009925537
Price: $18.95
Trim: 8.8 X 5.9 X 0.9 inches
Format (pb/hc): Paperback
Pages: 304
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In his 35+ years as a therapist and marriage counselor, Bryce Kaye has come to know that problems in marriages are not going to be overcome by a self-help book, a Marriage For Idiots handbook, or a couple of episodes of Dr. Phil in the afternoon.
His work, The Marriage First Aid Kit, is just what the title suggests, a temporary help for couples until more permanent care can be obtained.
Dr. Kaye helps his audience work on issues resulting from communication avoidance by showing how to balance the conflicting needs of attachment and autonomy in a relationship. This vital balance is endangered not only by the obvious assassins abuse, affairs, and addictions, but also what Kaye terms hedonic inhibitions the inability by some partners to seek and enjoy fun in a couple s life together. Kaye employs everyday wisdom and therapeutic theory to show individuals in a relationship how to establish autonomy while affirming attachment, how to manage inevitable and healthy conflicts, and how to share power and responsibility throughout their marriage.
Incorporating examples culled from his years of helping clients, Kaye peppers his book with problem scenarios to which readers can relate as well as with a useful variety of measurement tools and viable exercises to help couples through the common issues faced in intimate relationships.
Rising above the plethora of quick-fix, relationship-help manuals, The Marriage First Aid Kit by Bryce Kaye, PhD offers professional, intelligent suggestions to couples to be employed, not as panaceas, but as temporary help while they work their way through the difficulties of life together.